AdvanPay-120 is a high-power RFID UHF reader that integrates:
• An antenna with a highly confined reading area
• Keyboard emulation by hardware. It’s not needed to install any software at the POS.
• On-board loudspeaker
• Functionalities specifically designed to address the needs of staff at retail stores
AdvanPay-120 has 3 operation modes, that can be easily selected at any time:
• Payment mode (green light)
• Return mode (red light)
• Read-only mode (blue light)
• Highly controlled reading area
• Automatic integration with most software applications, through hardware keyboard emulation
• Easy installation and monitoring
• For retailers:
- Queues reduction, thanks to a much faster payment process
- Improved customer shopping experience, derived from a shorter payment time
- Reduction in employee costs
- Simultaneous item detection and EAS flag activation/deactivation